PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 4.2.2.


TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authentication/

Violation Line
Do not hard code IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, even ! 240

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authentication/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 33

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authentication/configuration/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'installWithOldConfig(boolean)'. 111

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authentication/credentials/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'setId(Long)'. 192

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authentication/schemes/

Violation Line
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'factory'. 51 - 53
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'parameters'. 51 - 53

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authorization/permissions/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private fields such as 'pDomain'. 46

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authorization/policy/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 42

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authorization/policy/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 37

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authorization/policy/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 34

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/authorization/policy/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 39

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/filters/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'initProvisioningServicePoint(String,String)'. 221
Avoid unused private methods such as 'authenticateAfterRegistration(AuthenticationBindings)'. 295

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/principals/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 37

TRUNK jGuard core - net/sf/jguard/core/util/

Violation Line
Avoid unused local variables such as 'count'. 197

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 39

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'setId(Long)'. 124

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/callbacks/

Violation Line
This usage of the Collection.toArray() method will throw a ClassCastException. 96

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/certificates/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'inspectCRL(X509CRL)'. 166

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/certificates/

Violation Line
Avoid empty catch blocks 71 - 72
Avoid empty catch blocks 72 - 73
Avoid empty catch blocks 73 - 74

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/loginmodules/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 70

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/loginmodules/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 40

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/loginmodules/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 45

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/loginmodules/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 40

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/loginmodules/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 35

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/manager/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 40

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/manager/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 3

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authentication/manager/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 42

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authorization/manager/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 50

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authorization/manager/

Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 360
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 1148
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 1198

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/authorization/manager/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 45

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/database/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.logging.Level' 37

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/database/

Violation Line
Always check the return of one of the navigation method (next,previous,first,last) of a ResultSet. 212

TRUNK jGuard ext - net/sf/jguard/ext/util/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'net.sf.jguard.core.authentication.AuthenticationException' 40

TRUNK jGuard jee extras - net/sf/jguard/jsf/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'net.sf.jguard.jee.provisioning.HttpServletProvisioningServicePoint' 46

TRUNK jGuard jee extras - net/sf/jguard/jsf/authentication/callbacks/

Violation Line
Avoid unused local variables such as 'portletRequest'. 48

TRUNK jGuard jee - net/sf/jguard/jee/

Violation Line
No need to import a type that lives in the same package 12

TRUNK jGuard jee - net/sf/jguard/jee/authentication/http/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private fields such as 'authBindingsFactory'. 66

TRUNK jGuard jee - net/sf/jguard/jee/authentication/http/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.servlet.ServletException' 37

TRUNK jGuard jee - net/sf/jguard/jee/provisioning/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'javax.servlet.ServletException' 41
Avoid unused imports such as 'net.sf.jguard.jee.authentication.callbacks.HttpServletCallbackHandler' 56